
Path to Success

  •  December 7, 2020
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Radhakrishnan is determined. Life has thrown a series of curveballs in his way and each time he has bounced back stronger and smarter than before.
Radha Krishnan first entered into Sneha Bhavan annexe in the year 2001. He started using the night shelter for Rs. 5 per day. During the day he went for waste collection. As a young boy Radhakrishnan had aspiration to become a social worker. Social workers in CHILDLINE inspired him, and he aimed to join the team, but the hurdle that he faced to join the team was lack of a professional degree. Keeping this in mind, he enrolled in a distant degree program and attained the basic qualification to work as social worker in CHILDLINE. In the year 2007, he started working as a volunteer in CHILDLINE and in 2012; he was promoted as CHILDLINE team member. Radhakrishnan expressed his joy of helping the needy children. He also expressed his satification on the quality of night shelter service provided by Don Bosco Sneha Bhavan Annexe to underprivileged youth, who find very difficult to find housing in the metro city.